Good Practice Scheme

The BPA/SWIP Good Practice Scheme

The British Philosophical Association and Society for Women in Philosophy (UK)’s Good Practice Scheme has been running since 2014. The Scheme aims to assist UK philosophy departments, learned societies and journals in ensuring that they have policies and procedures in place that encourage the representation of women in philosophy. The scheme now has a large number of participating institutions, including some overseas departments and learned societies – but we are always delighted to welcome newcomers.

How the Scheme works

  • Consider whether and how to implement the recommendations. For departments there are separate sets of recommendations covering different areas (caregivers, conferences & seminars, sexual harassment, etc.); you can sign up to one or more specific sets of recommendations or to all of them. If you are a learned society, journal or research project there is just one set of recommendations.
  • If you decide to implement the recommendations, come up with a clear plan for implementing the recommendations, with timescale.
  • Alert us so that we can add you to our list of participating institutions. We also encourage you to advertise your participation, and use the GPS logo, on your own website (the list of participating institutions has some examples), in promotional literature, etc.
  • There is no oversight or auditing by the BPA or SWIP. We rely on the institutions themselves to ensure that they stick to their own implementation plans and, once complete, continue to implement the recommendations. If members of participating institutions (including staff, students, learned society members, etc.) are not convinced that the recommendations are being adequately implemented, we encourage them to raise the problem with the Head of Department, Director of learned society, or journal editor (as appropriate) in the first instance.
  • See the Scheme’s ‘General Guidance’ document for more information about how to subscribe.

Good Practice Scheme documents and resources

Guidance and resources site

On these pages you’ll find the scheme recommendations along with some additional information and links to various resources that you may find helpful. You can also download all of the sets of recommendations, including the general scheme guidance, in one document: pdf / word

Other resources

  • Intersectionality: This page provides links to additional resources relating to race, disability, gender identity, class and nationality.
  • Reports: Links to reports relating to the Good Practice Scheme

Subscribing institutions

See our list of departments, learned societies, journals and research projects that have committed to implementing and maintaining the Good Practice Scheme recommendations.

Who should I contact with any queries?

The scheme is currently managed by Helen Beebee and Jenny Saul. Please get in touch with one of us if you have a query or concern.

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